#approach to tronica city

Delhi-Dehradun Economic Corridor Expressway |2.5 hours| 210 Km | OM

  One more milestone under the vision of Prime Minister Modi’s “GATI SAKTI” to...

Tender for repairing of Sonia Vihar Yamuna River Pusta road to Tronica City, has been issued finally

After a long waiting period of many years for repairing, the Sonia Vihar Yamuna...

नेशनल राजमार्ग सँख्या 709 B के ट्रोनिका सिटी से ईस्टर्न पेरिफिरल हाईवे तक के मैंटीनैंस का टेंडर जारी

भारतीय राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण ने नेशनल राजमार्ग सँख्या 709 B के पावी पुस्ता चौकी...

The “Signature Bridge” Delhi Sign the new landmark of Delhi

New landmark of Delhi The “Signature Bridge” (The bow-shaped tower, cable-supported steel bridge –...