The Signature Bridge on River Yamuna at Wazirabad get the final deadline of April 2017. Its deadlines has been extended numerous times while the project was conceptualized in 2004 and should be completed up to 2008. Kapil Mishra the tourism minister on Wednesday morning inspected the progress of the work and informed that all the issues of the project had been sorted out and the project will be completed up to April 2017. The bridge will link between east Delhi, north Delhi and Trans Delhi Signature City (Tronica City). Due to the delays of the project the cost has been increased from Rs 887 crore to Rs 1,594 crore. The chief project manager Mr. Shishir Bansal said that Construction work is on final stage of construction and we are on track, the major work left is the pylon main tower which will hold the bridge. we have completed 88m Against a height of 154m, A little bit of work is also left on one of the foundations, One third of the work on the western approach has been completed, The super structure deck has three parts, one of which is complete. Another part will be finished by October 10 and the third by November end. We have completed 60% of the bridge deck and will finish the balance by February or March."