Trans Delhi Signature City (Tronica City)

₹100 crore released for Signature Bridge completion by the Delhi Government

₹100 crore for Signature Bridge to DTTDC, no further revision allowed in the schedule...

UP Government is aiming for bag investments by new Industrial Investment and Employment Policy, 2017

यूपी सरकार का नई औद्योगिक निवेश और रोजगार नीति, 2017 द्वारा भारी निवेश का...

Signature Bridge Delhi to be finished by December 2017

दिल्ली सरकार ने बहुत-प्रतीक्षित सिग्नेचर पुल के लिए प्रक्रिया को किया तेज, 100 करोड़...

UPSIDC has come up with anti-corruption helpline

The Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC) has issued an email ID and...

Delhi-Saharanpur-Yamunotri state Highway get the approval for National Highway

दिल्ली-सहारनपुर-यमुनोत्री रोड को नेशनल हाईवे बनाने की केन्द्रीय सड़क और परिवहन मंत्रालय की सैद्धांतिक...

Tronica city Ghaziabad: NGT fines UPSIDC Rs 2 lakh per day over non-functional CETP

The National Green Tribunal fine Rs 2 lakh per day on the UP State...

U.P. State Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC) approves new allotment and time extension policy

उप्र राज्य औद्योगिक विकास निगम (यूपीएसआइडीसी) ने नई आवंटन व समय विस्तार नीति को...

National Green Tribunal issued notice to UP govt. on sewage disposal in Tronica City

NGT issued notice to Yogi Govt. and UPSIDC on sewage disposal in Trans Delhi...

Delhi Tourism Minister said that Signature Bridge must be completed by December 31, 2017

Delhi Tourism Minister Mr. Gautam insisted to the Chief Secretary of Delhi to complete...

Tourism Minister says no deadline revision for Signature Bridge project

Tourism Minister Mr. Gautam issue the directions to complete the work by  December 2017...